Package 6
Science Primary & Secondary for Junior Teachers
The package offers 4 courses in total that covers Understanding Emotional Needs of A Child & Teenage, Learning Styles, Proficiency in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Science and Merdeka Curriculum and Its Implementation.
Package Dates
June 27 - July 01, 2022
Package Length
5 days
Is this package for you?
- Target: Secondary and Primary Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Teachers with less than 5 years experience in teaching
- Instruction Language: English and Bahasa Indonesia
Understanding Emotional Needs of A Child & Teenage
The seminar reveals the importance of students' emotional needs and its impact on the learning process. Through research, teachers gain an understanding of the importance of meeting students' emotional needs.
By completing practical tasks, participants deepen their skills of self-knowledge and empathy, enrich their knowledge of emotional intelligence and identify the consequences of its absence. The study of the Maslow pyramid considers ways to meet the emotional needs of students in the learning process.
Learning objective(s)
In the seminar, participants will learn how to effectively use emotional intelligence to develop relationships with students, what is the “Emotional Circle” of students and how to fill it.
Target: Secondary, Primary and Early Childhood Teachers
Course Date: June 27, 2022
Course Length: 1 day
Instruction Language: English
Learning Styles
The seminar will explain the different styles of teaching and how they can be used in teaching. Participants will get acquainted with the theory of "multiple intelligence" and its concepts.
Learning objective(s)
Teachers also learn how to apply this theory to their students, how to evaluate learning styles, and how to solve learning style problems. Analysis of research in the field of teaching styles helps to increase the effectiveness of teaching materials by forming a correct understanding of how to present the material to students covering different learning styles.
Target: Secondary, Primary and Early Childhood Teachers
Course Date: June 27, 2022
Course Length: 1 day
Instruction Language: English
Proficiency in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Science
The course is primarily designed for teachers who have successfully completed the introduction course. Throughout the course, there will be a progression from trainer-led tasks to project-like sessions, where participants present their ideas and deliver small sections of their plans.
In addition, there will be a move from whole group sessions to working in groups based on school subjects and later even these will be broken up into pairs/threes to allow participants to work with course books, which are relevant for them.
Learning objective(s)
Group Building – Teacher Roles and Attitudes; Planning the Year and Lessons; Video Lesson Analysis – teacher perspective; How to Exploit Videos – How to work with a Text; Learner Styles – Learner Autonomy; Project Work in Secondary CLIL Classroom; 1st Project Work – Mapping the Course Book; The Importance of Supplementing; Video Lesson Analysis – student perspective; 2nd Project Work – Unit Lesson Planning; Ways to Measure and Assess Learning.
Target: Secondary and Primary Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Teachers with less than 5 years experience in teaching
Course Date: June 28-29, 2022
Course Length: 2 days
Instruction Language: English
Merdeka Curriculum and Its Implementation
This seminar will contain discussion of the "Merdeka Curriculum and Its Implementation”. Seminar will be delivered by a practitioner who is experienced in providing training and best practice regarding the "Merdeka Curriculum". Participants also will be given knowledge about "Merdeka Curriculum" design, structure, assessment, learning outcomes, and the preparation of learning modules.
Learning objective(s)
Principles of Independent Curriculum Design; Curriculum Framework; Learning Outcomes; Curriculum Structure; Principles of Learning and Assessment; Preparation of Teaching Devices (Modules).
Target: Secondary, Primary and Early Childhood Teachers
Course Date: June 30 – July 01, 2022
Course Length: 2 days
Instruction Language: Bahasa Indonesia