CLIL Science for Secondary and Primary Teachers
Give insights into basic rationale and rules of integrating secondary and primary school content and language for Science subjects. It focuses on specific attention to subject-specific vocabulary and how to work with it in the classroom to help students boost their subject knowledge.
What Will I Learn?
- Improve participants’ command of English, especially in their classrooms;
- Explore the history of teaching content in English and English through content, so as to identify evidence of principles underlying effective practice;
- Consider the qualities and skills required by teachers involved in CLIL;
- Explore in practical ways the materials and methodology appropriate to CLIL;
- Consider the modes of delivery and types of classroom interaction most appropriate to CLIL;
- Consider the test instruments and assessment procedures which can be used in CLIL contexts with different language levels and content areas
Is This Course For You?
- Target: Secondary and Primary Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Teachers with less than 5 years experience in teaching
- Course dates: December 13-15, 2021
- Course length: 3 days
- Instruction Language: English